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Call for Annual Awards Nominations
The American Association for Counseling and Development
RALPH F. BERDIE MEMORIAL AWARD Encourages fruitful exploration in college student personnel work or related phases of education, and serves as an initial project which might then be funded from other sources for further exploration; not limited to statistical and experimental projects, and may include conceptual, historical and philosophical explorations and comparative appraisals. (Award up to $300)
AACD PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AWARD Recognizes outstanding professional service and the development of techniques and systems that have strengthened, expanded, enhanced, improved and/or otherwise had demonstrable benefit to clients. ($300 Award)
AACD RESEARCH AWARD Recognizes high quality research in areas of interest to the counseling and human development profession and the divisions or organizational affiliates of AACD.
DISTINGUISHED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ARTHUR A. HITCHCOCK AWARD Recognizes outstanding service at the local, state or national level that reflects a significant contribution to the professional concerns of AACD.
GILBERT AND KATHLEEN WRENN AWARD FOR A HUMANITARIAN AND CARING PERSON Honors a person who gives to others without fanfare or expectation of reward other than personal satisfaction in seeing other persons made happier or the social milieu given more integrity. ($1,000 Award)
Who is Eligible?
GOVERNMENT RELATIONS AACD/CARL D. PERKINS AWARD Recognizes outstanding work at the national or state level in impacting public policy which results in a significant contribution to the profession or to recipients of the profession's services.
AACD LEGISLATIVE SERVICE AWARD Recognizes outstanding work of a public official or public agency staff member impacting public policy at the national level which results in a significant contribution to the profession or to recipients of the profession's services. (Non-member)
NATIONAL GRADUATE STUDENT GLEN E. HUBELE AWARD Recognizes a graduate degree candidate in the field of counseling and human development. (Award up to $450)
HUMAN RIGHTS KITTY COLE AWARD Honors an individual who has made significant contributions in one or more areas of the broad spectrum of human rights.
AACD EXTENDED RESEARCH AWARD Honors researchers conducting quality research and investigations in one or more areas of the broad spectrum of human rights.
LOCAL, STATE BRANCH AND REGIONAL AWARD Recognizes Local, State Branch and Regional counseling associations celebrating their 25th and 50th anniversaries.
Nominees must be AACD members for all award categories except the AACD Legislative Service Award which is presented to non-members only.
How to Nominate
If you are an AACD member and wish to submit a nomination, you must obtain the specific forms, complete them and return them no later than December 15, 1989.
Awards Presentation
The recipients of the 1990 AACD Awards will be honored at AACD's annual convention, March 16-19 in Cincinnati.
Please send detailed nomination forms to:
Mail to: AACD Awards Committee 5999 Stevenson Avenue Alexandria, Va 22034
Research Berdie Award Professional Dev. Award AACD Research Award Dist. Prof. Svc. Hitchcock Award Wrenn Award
Govt. Rel. Perkins Award Legislative Svc. Award
Grad. Student-Hubele Award Human Rights Kitty Cole Award AACD Extended Research Award Local, State Branch
and Regional Award
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